Private insurers inadequacies challenged
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Media Release

21 December 2010

Private insurers inadequacies challenged

The growing anger as quake claims fail has put the spotlight on the ability of private insurers to give support when people are in trouble. Thousands of premium dollars have been paid to private insurance companies to cover loss, but when a claim is made, many have been let down, Hazel Armstrong from ACC Futures said.

Gerry Brownlee said yesterday that a review of the insurance industry is needed now that he has a better understanding of the limitations of insurance. At the same time, as Mr Brownlee says this, other members of his cabinet, in particular the Hon Nick Smith is considering whether to hand over our injury insurance to private insurance companies.

Any day now the Hon Nick Smith is going to release the Stocktake of ACC undertaken by David Caygill.It was due for release mid year but now he intends to release it just before Christmas, hoping no doubt to bury its findings in the holiday dash.

We are appalled at some of the decisions being made by ACC, and the new hearing loss regulations due for implementation on 1 January 2011, these are changes being put in place to curb costs and soften the public up for privatisation. Hon Nick Smith is not asking what is good and fair for injured New Zealanders, or what is of value, he is creating a environment into which private insurers can step into with confidence.

Hazel Armstrong
0274721793 or 04 3845 515

09:22AM Tuesday, 21 December, 2010

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