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About the ACC Futures Coalition

The ACC Futures Coalition is a group of health providers, lawyers, ACC consumers, academics and unions campaigning to maintain and improve ACC and keep it publicly owned.

We were set up in 2009 after attacks of the scheme and signals from the government to privatise various ACC accounts and open these to competition. Since then decisions taken by the government have undermined the integrity of the scheme by limiting entitlements and access to entitlements, and moving long term claimants off the scheme, often before they are ready. We have therefore reviewed our aim which is now:

"To build cross-party support for retaining the status of ACC as a publicly-owned single provider committed to the ‘Woodhouse Principles’, and a 'no fault' compensation social insurance system for all New Zealanders. Our commitment is to have an ACC scheme that has integrity and the trust of the public of New Zealand, and is focused on injury prevention, treatment, complete rehabilitation  and compensation for  the injured claimant."

Members of the Coalition are:

Acclaim Otago (Inc)

Age Concern

Andrew Beck - Barrister

Andrew Dickson

Armstrong Thompson Barristers & Solicitors

Child Poverty Action Group

College of Nurses Aotearoa

David Sparks LL.B

Don Rennie, Individual Member

DPA (NZ) Inc.

E Tu

First Union

Forster and Associates

Helen White, Lawyer

Dr Hilary Stace, Health Services Research Centre Victoria University

John Miller Law 

Maritime Union of New Zealand

Mona Williams, Individual Member

National Foundation for the Deaf

Occupational Therapy New Zealand Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa

Point Chevalier Social Enterprise Trust & Chris Casey Physio

New Zealand Audiological Society

NZ Association of Counsellors

NZ Association of Psychotherapists

NZ Council of Trade Unions

NZ Dairy Workers Union

NZ Dental Therapists’ Association

NZ Meat Workers Union

NZ Nurses Organisation

NZ Professional Firefighters Union

NZ Recreation Association

Osteopathic Society of NZ

Peter Sara, ACC Lawyer 

Podiatry NZ

Public Service Association;

Rail and Maritime Transport Union

Ross Wilson, Individual Member

Professor Sarah Derrett

Schmidt and Peart Law

Associate Professor Susan St John

University of Auckland Retirement Policy and Research Centre

Volunteering New Zealand 

Workers' Education Trust 

Zindels Barristers & Solicitors

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