Media Release
13 June 2012
Coalition calls for Forum on ACC
The ACC Futures Coalition today called on Minister Judith Collins to set up a forum on the future of ACC involving all the stakeholders, including claimant groups, health provider groups and unions, as well as business interests.
“We are deeply concerned about the loss of trust in ACC,” said ACC Futures Coalition spokesperson Hazel Armstrong,
“and we think that we need to get all the stakeholders in the room to talk about how we restore the integrity of the scheme. We think the Minister is rethinking how the scheme operates but she is not talking to all those with an interest. It appears to us that it is only business interests and levy payers that have any influence at the moment and that needs to be rectified. A forum of the type we are calling for would provide that opportunity.”
“The ACC Futures Coalition does not agree that the Minister needs to resign,” said Ms Armstrong. “We think she inherited a situation from Nick Smith and she is working with a bad hand to try and rectify things. However, she needs to think more deeply about the cultural issues than she appears to be at the moment and that includes talking to groups like us. We have sought meetings with her in the past with no success.”
“The opportunity for a rethink has also been reinforced by the resignation of Ralph Stewart as Chief Executive,” said Ms. Armstrong.
“He came from an insurance background and we need to reconnect to the social welfare intent and purpose of the scheme as originally designed by Sir Owen Woodhouse. We call on the Minister to seize the opportunity and establish a broad-based forum on the future of ACC.”
02:03PM Wednesday, 13 June, 2012
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