ACC is a public good
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8 April 2009

ACC is a public good – Futures Coalition

ACC must be kept as a public good was the message from the ACC Futures Coalition at its launch this morning in Wellington.

The Coalition, which is comprised of health providers, ACC consumers and unions, has been formed to provide balance and information to the debate about the future of ACC.

Coalition spokesperson and ACC advocate Hazel Armstrong says the iconic compensation scheme is vital to New Zealand and New Zealanders.

“When it was introduced ACC was a groundbreaking scheme and it is still a world‐leading model that delivers real benefits to hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders at a cost that is far smaller than other systems in other countries.

“Despite this fact the compensation system is under attack from a government determined to turn it into a political football and open it to competition.

"The ACC Futures Coalition aims to build cross‐party support for retaining the status of ACC as a publicly‐owned single provider because we want to  maintain and improve the provision of injury prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and no fault compensation social insurance system that benefits all New Zealanders.”

Today’s launch marks the start of the Coalition’s campaign, with a call to send an open letter to Hon Dr Nick Smith Minister of ACC and all the members of parliament to commit to the retention of ACC as sole provider of accident compensation in New Zealand.

Download the open letter here.

12:00AM Wednesday, 08 April, 2009

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